Are we there yet? A season of thankfulness


Can you believe it’s already November? I don’t know about you, but this year has just flown by and I barely noticed!  

As winter again approaches northeast Nebraska, I wonder if we could take a moment to reflect on the year (or two) that has passed by us. When I think about the past two years, I can’t help but consider a few of the things I have learned. I have learned that family is irreplaceable and worth my time. Even more than those essential meetings or classes. Even more than that deadline that keeps getting closer and closer. Even more than the time spent on social media or checking email. My point is that your time is important and the people that we spend that time with make an impact.  

So, are we there yet? Have we made it to the end? I don’t know, but what I do know is that I want to cherish the time I have with my family, especially the children in my life. In this season of thankfulness, enjoy the moments and don’t rush the seconds that are already going fast enough.  Here a few tips to take advantage of each day with loved ones (especially children) this winter: 

•Go outside! You knew that was coming! I know it’s getting colder, but I encourage you to put on your winter gear and head out. Even a few minutes outdoors will do wonders for your mood and energy level.

• Look at pictures. My son loves to look at pictures and ask questions about what is going on in each one. It is so fun to reminisce and learn about family memories.  

• Bake some cookies. Children love to watch and help with the baking process, and they especially love the tasting part! Bonus: The heat of the oven helps warm up the house in cold weather!

• Watch a favorite holiday movie together. While screen time for young children may not always be beneficial, talking about what makes the movie fun for you is a great way to engage and connect.

What other ways can you think of to spend quality time with family? Remember to not let the days pass by without taking time to appreciate the things around you. Put down your devices, take a break from social media, and engage in quality time with family this holiday season.