Now is the time to have fun with spring seeds


Have you noticed the change in weather lately?  It would seem that spring is finally making its way into the Midwest.  

As the temperature rises, it’s time to get outside, begin your gardens, and encourage your kids to take advantage of the outdoors.  Here is a simple and fun activity for any age to try!

Seed Mosaic (adapted from Junior Master Gardener’s Early Childhood Curriculum)

Gather a variety of dried seeds such as corn, beans, sunflowers, pumpkins or a mixed bag of beans.  Use an index card, cardstock or even a recycled lid to glue seeds down to create a picture or pattern.  Encourage children to describe what they are creating and notice the different sizes, shapes, and colors of seeds.  

This activity is adapted from the Junior Master Gardener “Learn, Grow, Eat & Go” Early Childhood Curriculum.  This curriculum is available to educators, early childhood professionals and even families to use with young children.  Visit the website to learn more about the curriculum and contact Nebraska Extension to facilitate a training for the curriculum.  

If you would like more ideas for spring and summer activities, feel free to email or call me.  I am happy to provide resources for you to use with any age.  I can be reached at or (402) 584-3830. 

Now get outside and soak up the sun!