Public hearings highlight city council meeting


Three public hearings were part of Tuesday's Wayne City Council meeting.

The first of these was the final step in establishing the tax asking/property tax levy for fiscal year 2024-2025.

Following the public hearing, council members approved Resolution 2024-53 which sets the tax asking; Resolution 2024-54, which approves the allowable 1% increase in the Base Limitation of Restricted Funds' Budget; Resolution 2024-55 which adopts the 2024-2025 Budget and Ordinance 2024-11, which approves the Annual Appropriation Bill.

The new budget goes into effect Oct. 1, 2024.

A public hearing was held in regard to acquisition of a 67 acre parcel of land (minus four acres to be determined) from Virgil L Kardell, Trustee of the Virgil L. Kardell Trust.

City Administrator Wes Blecke shared information on the process the city has gone through in obtaining land for an electric substation. He said the city currently has 3.26 acres in the northeast portion of the city.

However, as plans have been developed and more information obtained, it has been determined that this is not enough land for installing a larger electrical generation system.

Blecke said that in order to put the proposed system in place, a retaining wall would need to be installed and the cost estimate for this is $1 million.

Kardell was approached about selling adjoining property he owns and he offered to sell a 67 acre parcel.

The city would then have enough land to adequately construct the electric substation/generation system that would be large enough for future generation needs.

"This is a good location for generation and having this amount of land sets the city up for future growth," Blecke said.

Brian Seiffert spoke during the public hearing against the acquisition of this much land, noting "the city doesn't need 67 acres. Do we need to spend that much money? I would like the council to set this aside tonight, because this is not the right decision."

Amy Schweers also spoke against the purchase of such a large piece of land, noting a small piece of property could be condemned and purchase at fair market value.

"I would rather see the city buy three acres instead of 67. I don't think the city should rush into things. Give the public an opportunity to voice their opinions on this purchase. I feel spending is out of control," Schweers said.

Following the public hearing on the 67 acre purchase (minus the four acres) and a second hearing on the purchase of two lots in the Kardell East 14th Street Addition, council members voted to purchase the two properties at a total cost of $1.3 million. The purchase will be paid for from funds in the Electric Fund.

In other action, council members approved a resolution acknowledging the Nebraska Department of Transportation requirements for the temporary use of Highway 15 for the Christmas in Wayne Celebration/Annual Parade of Lights on Thursday, Nov. 21. The highway will be closed from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. during the parade.

In conjunction with the celebration, council members approved a request to prohibit parking on Main Street in the 200 Block and 300 Block from 5:30 to 8 p.m. for the event.

A change estimate proposal No. 002 in the amount of $56,495.00 to Otte Construction Company, LLC for the Wayne Parks & Recreation Maintenance Building Project was approved.

Bob Soukup with Carlson West Provondra Architects told the council the change is for existing soils over excavation, disposal of removals onsite, hauling of new imported suitable soil and leveling and re compacting of the soil under the building site per the soils report.

He said that based on costs for similar work on another project he is familiar with, these costs were "within range of the other project."

The need for this change is due to the fact that some of the soils found in the location where the building will be placed could "move" and need to be replaced.

It is anticipated the work could begin in approximately two weeks and take two weeks to complete before the building could placed in its permanent location.

Council members approved a request from the Wayne Rotary Club to waive the rental fee for use of the Freedom Park Shelter House for two events.

The first of these is the weekly Chamber Coffee on Friday, Oct. 25 and the other for an event with a date and time yet to be determined. The club will still be required to put down a deposit prior to the event.

Two resolutions in regard to providing dispatch/9-1-1 services to Carroll and Winside were approved.

These two items were tabled at a previous meeting as additional details were obtained.

The agreements provide for the services at a cost of $3,000 for the  coming year to each village and a 4% increase each year thereafter for four more years.

The last time these dispatch fees were raised was in 2008 and are currently $1,520 per year.

The Wayne City Council will next meet in regular session on Tuesday, Oct. 1 at 5:30 p.m. in council chambers.