Wayne County Museum featured on broadcast


Rachel Kunz, current president of Wayne County Historical Society, recently conducted an interview with Jon Vanderford at the Wayne County Historical Museum.

The interview will be broadcast Sunday, Dec. 18 at 7:30 am, KOLN/KGIN TV. 

Jon along with his wife, Taryn, are Emmy award winning journalists who host Pure Nebraska six days a week. 

For television viewers who are not able to catch the program, Rachel and the Wayne County Historical Museum segment is posted on the Pure Nebraska Facebook page - https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0C1Q93zwwcwZeoF7kVtv18QDbTVJ522QUX14J2gHhMabzXmbmmh1tNKymuFtREJtKl&id=100046592546519&mibextid=qC1gEa

The segment is a boost of public awareness of Wayne and its county museum.