Action taken during Monday's meeting of the Wayne Community Schools' Board of Education will allow for the hiring of an additional PreK teacher, a K-6 teacher 2.0 full-time equivalent (FTE) teachers in the area of PE, Art and Counseling within the district.
At the board's last meeting, first reading approval was given to a document regarding the hiring of additional staff, such as janitorial, kitchen and secretarial, for the Early Learning Center and both the Pre-K position and K-6 position. During Monday's meeting, this agenda item received second and final reading approval.
It was noted during Monday's meeting that current projections show there will be 85-90 students enrolled in kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year. This would require four sections of students for this grade. The district will likely be looking to fill the newly created K-6 teaching position to fill this spot.
Board members approved on first reading the document that would allow the district to move forward with recruiting teachers to fill the 2.0 FTE positions for PE, Art and Counseling. In addition, the second reading was waived to allow the district to move forward with finding someone to fill each of these position.
Superintendent Dr. Mark Lenihan shared information with the board on possible ways these positions could be filled. He said hiring a full-time counselor would be a priority; however, the person in this position may also be able to teach one or two classes in other areas.
In regard to the PE and Art positions, this could be filled with one full-time staff member or two part-time staff members. It is estimated that the cost to fill these position will be approximately $70,000 per teacher, which includes salary and benefits.
Dr. Lenihan presented information to the board in regard to the recently released Nebraska Education Profile Report. He said the elementary school received a 'great' rating; the high school an 'excellent' rating (which is a higher ranking) and the junior high a 'good' rating.
The district as a whole, was ranked above the state average with a 'great' rating.
December Honor recipients included the Early Learning Center students who were "Doing the Right Thing", those named to the 2024-2025 National Honor Society, the 2024 All State Musicians, members of the Girls Golf Team, the seventh and eighth grade Quiz Bowl team members and those FFA members earning honors recently.
In other action, Dr. Jeryl Nelson was presented with a plaque in recognition of the years he has served on the board.
Monday's meeting began with a presentation from Dustin Kizzire with Dana F. Cole & Company in regard to the recently completed audit of the district.
Kizzire told the board the audit was for the fiscal year ending Aug. 31, 2024 and was an 'unmodified opinion,' which is the highest level. He explained what the process was during the audit and said the district showed 'no material weaknesses and no sufficient deficiencies.'
He said the district's overall reserves "are positive and expenditures are well within the budget limits."
He told the board there was excellent cooperation with management and staff at the school and "the school is doing great and this was a great audit."
Later in the meeting, the board received the 2023-2024 audit and financial statements into the record.
Board members approved a three-year contract for Superintendent Dr. Mark Lenihan. The contract runs from July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2028. His salary for the next year will be $167,591. The full contract is published on the school's website.
Administrative reports included an enrollment report, the first draft of the 2025-2026 school calendar, information from the State Principal's Conference and the number of families in the district receiving assistance through the Kindness Fund for Christmas and other needed items.
The Wayne Community Schools' Board of Education will next meet in regular session on Monday, Jan. 13 at 5 p.m. in the junior-senior high school library.