It's HOT! As if you did not know!! But they tell me there are cooler days ahead; I hope so. After Nebraska baseball beat Arkansas once, I knew they could be beat, and they were; by North Carolina State. Mike's best friend in college taught there for many years, so we had to support the Wolf Pack. They are headed to Omaha, and that will be exciting.
Right now, Omaha is hosting the Olympic swim trials, and receiving all kinds of compliments on the warm up pool, the venue, the hotel, and the people! All that “Nebraska Nice” comes out when we host these big events. My “social calendar” is also warming up; I think we are all just so happy to be able to plan a party. Last Saturday, my first function was a birthday party for a dear nurse friend planned by her daughters because “ Mom always tells us she has such interesting friends, so we'd like to meet them!” Actually, the honoree is the interesting one, but we had a lovely time.
Then, on my way out of town, I stopped at my church for a celebration of a gal's 80th birthday, a major milestone for all of us seniors. Here, there was more cake. And finally, I headed to Winside for a 60th wedding anniversary. Remember when golden weddings were observed? Now, we see 60 and 70 years all the time. We are not only living longer, but we are also still able to enjoy a good party. I had to use my cane to get from my car to the auditorium, but then, I left it in the bathroom and retrieved it when I left. On that nice, even floor, without any bumps, I did just fine without it..I sure didn't want to appear old!!
After a restful day in Norfolk, I dropped off medical supplies at Orphan Grain Train. I had not seen their facilities; I was amazed! The office sign says “International headquarters”; I believe the world is a bit smaller because of this wonderful organization. I doubt Pastor Wilke could have imagined this when he came up with the idea. God has blessed it, and all the volunteers, mightily! Actually, we've all been blessed, and I remind myself of that frequently.