I'm getting pictures of the twins at the pumpkin patch and of the decorating friend Marsha has already done. I can't get into Halloween, but I love this time of year. We have had absolutely great weather this week.
More old farmers are crawling back up into those combines! Cousin Gary in Iowa plans a day on his farm south of Waco this week. Yesterday, my faithful haircutter spoke of her 91 year old Dad. He has been in assisted living, and last winter, he wasn't eating, his sleep schedule was out of whack, and he was obviously depressed. He gradually came out of that in time to watch his Humphrey St. Francis gals win the state basketball tournament, with Alison Weidner leading them on.
Well, last week, he begged for a ride in the combine, so his daughter picked him up and took him out to where his son was working. He went right up those stairs and stayed there for over four hours!!
I know I've been talking about the team a lot this year, but they keep surprising us; often, by finding a way to lose. A writer to the Public Pulse commented last week that since Coach Frost was calling out the offensive line for lack of focus and discipline, he should do some replacing. Apparently, the coach had already done that and there was a marked difference! Hope it continues this week.
The gal who snips my hair also works at the games. She laughed and said there was a marked difference in the demeanor of the fans last Saturday. Plus, they apparently did not have to find kids to donate tickets to for this Saturday.
I kind of wish we had been able to watch that light show after the third quarter. I have no idea who ACDC is, but their music, and all that atmosphere, must have been something.
I don't get the Sunday Lincoln paper until Monday. Neighbor Val and I exchange; I leave the Omaha paper on a chair by our door and he brings the Lincoln. So, I was reading it last night. Here was a photo of this line of huge men carrying duffle bags or wearing back packs, ALL in charcoal gray suits! I wish I had been able to see that in person!! They looked really sharp.
Back in the dark ages, I remember the guys at good old Waco High dressed up for school on game days..No suits, but shirts and ties. Unfortunately, it didn't always translate to wins, but I think it made them focus more on what they were going to try to do that evening.
But these suits are amazing! Good old Gary Michaels, who has dressed athletes for years, got them all made. It took 2 and 1/2 hours just to measure! And it was a struggle to get them done by Saturday, but they came through. And the effect is worth it, for sure.
I still feel we act as we are dressed. All the casual stuff today is kind of sad. I know scrubs, for instance, are much more appropriate attire in the health care setting, but I kind of miss the whites. For that matter, all matching scrubs can be impressive, also. I don't watch America's Got Talent, usually, but I stumbled onto a nurse choir from New York who made it to the finals, and they made quite a sight. Plus, their singing was pretty awesome, too. One of the judges asked if they were really nurses and not professionals. And all the judges commented on their tough jobs today. Keep them in your prayers, please.