Eagles Auxiliary installs officers, donates funds


The Wayne Eagles Auxiliary met June 5 with President Cindy Milligan presiding.

Past President Jan Gamble installed the new incoming officers for the 2023-2024 year.

New Officers are :  Past President - Sharon Fleer;  President - Cindy Milligan; Vice President - Liz Schlamann; Secretary - Marsha Roth; Treasurer - Jan Gamble; Chaplain - Kristi Otte; Conductor - Julie Addison; Trustees - Amy Carlson, Madge Bruflat, Sheri Widner,; Guard - Cheryl Henschke and Auditor - Kristi Otte..

Scholarship winner  of $250 this year was Logan Miller. The group voted on to raise it to $300 this next year. The proceeds from the Cruise Night Hot Dog Feed will go toward the scholarship fund. 

The Eagles Convention will be held June 7-10 at Divots in Norfolk.  Attending will be Jan Gamble, Marsha Roth and Sharon Fleer. 

Anyone who has not paid membership dues by July 1 will be dropped from the rolls. To rejoin you will have to pay the extra  $10 initiation fee again. Contact Secretary Marsha Roth  for questions or to pay your dues. They also can be placed in the mail drop on the front of the Eagles building. 

Donations were sent  locally to St Mary's School and Greenwood Cemetery. A check for $750 was presented to State President Diane Willken for her project Alzheimers/ Band of Strong. These funds were raised throughout the last year. 

Rachel Miller, PMC Foundation Director, gave a presentation on where the grant check of $3000 given by the Eagles Auxiliary will be used. It will be used for equipment and educational materials for the  new Community Education Room . The grant came from the Golden Eagles Fund.  

The next meeting will be held Monday, June 19 at 7 p.m.