Little Red Hen Theatre produces Pulitzer Prize-winning ‘Night, Mother’


‘Night, Mother' is a critically acclaimed play about a very difficult topic: suicide. But it is a subject that Little Red Hen Managing Director T. Adam Goos says needs to be openly discussed. 

The Little Red Hen Theatre is producing the play, which won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, over three performances, April 21 – 23. 

“Suicide is an incredibly difficult and challenging topic to discuss under any circumstance," Goos said, “but addressing the realities of its’ impact and helping to raise awareness of the importance of mental health in our communities is critical. The art of theater can create a space for empathy and understanding and our hope is that this production can help ignite awareness and discussions about mental health and suicide prevention”.

‘Night, Mother,' by playwright Marsha Norman, is often hailed as one of the “best-written pieces of American Theater”. 

The play centers on two ordinary women living in the country: Thelma, who is a widow, and her daughter, Jessie. 

Jessie has a troubled life. Her divorce has just been finalized, she suffers from epilepsy, her son is a petty thief, her last job did not go as expected and now she is moved in with her mother. 

Just as she begins to enjoy some stability in her life, however, Jessie calmly informs her mother she intends to kill herself that very night. 

Thelma is horrified, and spends the rest of that evening trying to persuade Jessie to change her mind. The emotional power of the play comes from its’ detailed realism, such as Jessie’s careful planning which reflects true life circumstances. 

Norman treats her characters with sympathy, avoiding judgement, which allows the play to traverse a broad emotional landscape of fear, anger and even unexpected humor. 

As part of the live theatrical experience, the Little Red Hen Theatre will host audience “talkbacks” following each performance with the cast and community health professionals.

The play features Melissa Derechailo as Thelma, and Sophia Sebade as Jessie, with T. Adam Goos and Dawn Reimers directing. 

Both Derechailo and Sebade have found the script and process challenging, but also rewarding. 

“It’s my first time in a role where a character is on stage for the entire show and the amount of text is daunting," Sebade said. “It’s a little scary to take on a role of such complexity and convey it truthfully to our audiences, but the story is a powerful one that needs to be shared." 

The two began rehearsing in March, through a series of pre-staging workshops designed to explore and learn the script and characters. 

“In my many decades of involvement in theatre, this is by far the most challenging role I've ever played,” Derechailo said, “. . . but also, one of the most satisfying. The script has so many layers, there is always something new to discover and the subject matter is even more relevant today than when it was written.”

‘Night, Mother' will perform on April 21 and 22 at 7 p.m. and April 23 at 2 p.m. 

Tickets are $10 for adults and $8 for seniors and students. Tickets can be purchased online at, or by calling the theatre directly at (402) 287-2818. 

'The Play That Goes Wrong' is presented with the support of the Dixon County Convention & Visitors Bureau, the Wayne County Convention & Visitors Bureau, The Nebraska Arts Council and the Nebraska Cultural Endowment and by patrons of The Little Red Hen Theatre.

The Little Red Hen Theatre provides quality arts experiences for Northeast Nebraska through participation in live theatrical productions, educational opportunities, other cultural and community offerings. 

For information about upcoming events call 402.287.2818 or visit