Making preparations for Christmas


It suddenly got very cold here; quite a shock, after all the nice days we've had.  

I've just watched the Nebraska women beat Minnesota in basketball; these gals remain undefeated, which is a lot more than we can say about the guys.  And it's fun to watch the two Nebraska freshmen, especially when Alexis Markowski is playing and Dad Andy is in the stands, and the cameras focus on him. Plus, the Jaz, the gal from Australia who makes threes. Just a fun team to watch; with plenty of depth.

Thanks to Kay and Ann, my tree is up and loaded with my angels.  Plus, the nativity set is on the buffet, and the stockings are hung by the chimney with care; actually, they are hung on a couple more angels made just for that task. At this time of year, the angels come out of the boxes and find their way about the house.

Friend Vonnie brought vegetable beef soup and a peach pie; I cooked the turkey carcass and added noodles, so I guess I will be eating a lot of soup. That's okay by me, especially when it's now what I call soup weather. Plus, I'm baking chocolate chip cookies; the cookie jar has been empty too long.  

It seems the pies are a money maker for the Methodist ladies in Ponca; Vonnie says they have  them frozen and ready to bake. Since she works part time at the park, she stops at the church and keeps her freezer supplied with peach, apple, or rhubarb pies. I could handle that. As it is, I have to rely on the Village Pie Maker, and hers have gone up in price; along with everything else, I guess.  

Of course, I have half a dozen cards already; some folks are always on the ball like that. Gloria, in the Tabitha print shop, is working on mine; but I have not addressed one envelope. Hopefully, that will be this week's job. I'm like the comic, For Better or Worse, where we see Mom working on this very thing, not very happily, until she hears daughter saying they are how we keep track of the special folks in our lives. Yes!  

Our annual Advent get together was at Bob and Carlene's on Sunday; their house is a Christmas treasure trove; there is a huge collection of nutcrackers; plus, a bunch of framed prints painted by Bob and this year, we did not see all the framed Christmas puzzles. It's a nice tradition we all look forward to.  

And neighbor Caroline asked if I was still writing The Farmer's Wife. I assured her I was, but it seems I did not hit send a couple times last month! Either that, or they were lost in cyberland; I prefer that explanation. Couple those times with taking bedtime meds in the morning, and one wonders if I still should be loose! It isn't really old age; I've always been like this!