A presentation on the purchase of a video board, discussion on a school resource officer and updates on the construction/remodel project were on the agenda when the Wayne Community Schools Board of Education met on Monday.
Brian Kesting, representing the Wayne Community Schools Athletic Boosters, brought information to the board on the purchase of a video board to be installed in the southwest corner of the high school gym.
He showed samples of such a board that is sold by Daktronics. This was his recommendation for the purchase and he said "Daktronics is the leader in the industry. There are a number of ways the video board could be used and we could sell sponsorships on the board," he said.
The cost for the board is approximately $146,000 and the Athletic Boosters have offered to pay for the entire cost. The Boosters have also agreed to pay for shot clocks for the basketball program, which will be required beginning with the 2024-2025 season.
During the new business portion of the meeting, board members voted to approve the project, accept the gift and move forward with the project.
Superintendent Dr. Mark Lenihan thanked the Boosters for "doing the leg work."
When the video board is installed, it will become property of the school and the school will be responsible for the insurance and other associated costs.
Considerable time was spent discussing the amount of time a school resource officer should be in the school.
All administrators said that having this person in the schools this past year has been beneficial and noted that there are "different dynamics when the person is a resource officer, rather than a police officer. It has allowed him to develop relationships with the students."
During the past year, the resource officer has been hired for 10 hours per week. Information was shared on the cost of increasing that number to 15 hours per week.
Additional discussion was held and a decision will be made at the board's June meeting.
Building project updates indicated that the project is going well, despite delays because of the weather. Because of the nature of the project, contractors were able to move to different areas when it was not possible to work at the new building site.
Board members approved the hiring of individuals for several positions, along with accepting the resignation of an elementary teacher.
Wayne Elementary teacher Colleen Janke submitted her resignation, effective Dec. 20, 2024. She will be retiring at that time.
Board members approved the hiring of Erin Willrich to fill that position. Willrich has been teaching in Kearney and she and her family are moving to Wayne where her husband has accepted a position at Wayne State College.
Also approved was the hiring of Penny Janousek to the position of Business Manager. She has 16 years of school finance experience and will begin working immediately.
The position of Special Education teacher will be filled by Kelsey Schroeder, who has been serving as a paraprofessional with the district. She will be working with an alternative certificate and has two years to complete a degree.
Changes to the 2024-2025 Early Learning Center Handbook were made to allow for two sections of classes for four-year olds. These will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the one session and slightly longer hours for the second session on Tuesday and Thursday.
Also on the agenda was discussion of Policy 5101: Student Discipline.
Part of the state statue of this policy deals with attendance.
The policy also addresses the school's policy on the use of cell phones and electronic devices by students during the school day.
The new policy will be outlined in the 2024-2025 7-12 Student Handbook, which received first reading approval.
The Wayne Community Schools Board of Education will next meet in regular session on Monday, June 10. Due to construction at the junior-senior high school, the meeting will be held at the Early Learning Center on Providence Road.