Wayne State College Honors Colloquium scheduled for Dec. 8


Nineteen Wayne State College students will present their honors research projects in the Student Center’s Niobrara Rooms (east and west) on Friday, Dec. 8. The all-day event begins at 8 a.m. and the public is invited to attend.

The Wayne State Honors Program allows students to be more involved within an academic discipline, to broaden and deepen an education beyond the usual required work, and to nurture and reward genuine intellectual curiosity. Research opportunities help develop the skills of independent thinking and scholarly inquiry.

The Wayne State Honors Program engages students through a combination of specialized general education courses and research projects completed in the academic major.

At Wayne State, belonging to the Honors Program means not only distinction, but special opportunities and challenges for students with high aspirations. In any academic program at Wayne State, honors students have the option of choosing one of three honors options: High Honors in the Major, Honors in the Major, and Scholar in the Major.

For more information about the Wayne State Honors Program, visit www.wsc.edu/honors.

The schedule is:

Ann Woockman, Hartington - 8-8:30 a.m. in Niobrara East. “Teaching Students Living in Poverty: Teachers’ Perceptions of their Training and Implementation of Evidence-Based Strategies.” nstructor: Dr. Leigh Scruggs.

John Vuchetich, Norfolk - 8:30-9 a.m. in Niobrara West. “Norfolk, Nebraska: Development Through Industry." Instructor: Dr. Randy Bertolas.

Rhenn Rolenc, Red Oak, Iowa - 8:30-9 a.m. in Niobrara East. “Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard: Comparing the Wives of Henry VIII that he Beheaded." Instructor: Dr. Phillip Fox.

Yance Garner, Broken Bow - 9-9:30 a.m. in Niobrara East. "Christian Responses during the Era of Nazi Germany, 1933-1945." Instructor: Dr. Phillip Fox.

Brett Hilbers, Fremont - 9:30-10 a.m. in Niobrara West. “Detection of Borellia/Rickettsia Bacteria and Associated Tick-Borne Viruses in Northeastern Nebraska." Instructor: Dr. Doug Christensen.

Katie Rathman, Plattsmouth - 10-10:30 a.m. in Niobrara East. “Manipulation in Nebraska’s Legal Environment." Instructor: Dr. Laura Dendinger.

Brennan Wrightsman, Juniata - 10:30-11 a.m. in Niobrara West. "Military Influences on Nebraska during World War II." Instructor: Dr. Randy Bertolas.

Lane Carson, Lynch - 11-11:30 a.m. in Niobrara East. “A Study on the Relationship Between Job and Wage Satisfaction and Employment History." Instructor: Dr. Dan Miller.

Raegan Reifenrath, Laurel - 11:30 a.m. to noon in Niobrara West. “Positive Journaling and its Effect on Mental Health and Hopelessness." Instructor: Dr. Dan Miller.

Reagan Hudson, Dickens – Noon to 12:30 p.m. in Niobrara East. “Angst in Ink: A Collection of Art and Poetry." Instructor: Dr. Stephanie Marcellus.

Abraham Schroeder, Ravenna - 12:30-1 p.m. in Niobrara West. “Overground vs. Treadmill Running: A Kinematic Analysis of Collegiate Runners." Instructor: Dr. Kris Fox.

Trinity Seery, Oakland - 1-1:30 p.m. in Niobrara East. “Capital Punishment: Should it be available and applied in every state?." Instructor: Dr. Rachel Kunz.

Elizabeth Cieslik, Bellevue - 1:30-2 p.m. in Niobrara West. “From Serving our Country to Serving Time: An in-depth Look at how the System is Failing our Veterans." Instructor: Dr. Rachel Kunz.

Erin Pfeifer, Madison - 2-2:30 p.m. in Niobrara East. “<legislative priorities>: An ideological critical analysis of the Nebraska Department of Education goals using speech and debate as a case study." Instructor: Dr. Teresa Morales.

Hannah Hubers, Wausa - 2:30-3 p.m. in Niobrara West. “The Accounting Pipeline Problem: Effectiveness in Attracting, Recruiting, and Retaining Essential Accounting Professionals." Instructor: Dr. Sharon Garvin

Lauren Bailey, Benkelman - 3-3:30 p.m. in Niobrara East. “Foster Parent Inconsistencies in Midwestern United States." Instructor: Dr. Jeff Shelton.

Aubreanna Miller, Milford - 3:30-4 p.m. in Niobrara West. “Utilizing collectivistic messaging to enhance health communications for Native American populations." Instructor: Dr. Randa Garden.

Laura Spieler, Omaha - 4-4:30 p.m. in Niobrara East. “Communicating with Older Adults in Regard to their Health." Instructor: Dr. Allyn Lueders.

Jayven Krepel, Columbus - 4:30-5 p.m. in Niobrara West. “The Invisible Hand: A Study of Self-Censorship in Northeast Nebraska Classrooms." Instructor: Dr. Ben Vilkas.