Wayne State Navigators complete service project


The Wayne State College Navigators are a select group of WSC students who have demonstrated academic achievement and leadership on campus.
The Navigators are comprised of many unique individuals whose activities and involvement are diverse. The main mission of the Navigator team is to provide a favorable image of WSC to its many publics: prospective students, parents, high school guidance counselors, and the larger community. The Navigators are the official student representatives of the College. In this role, Navigators lead the campus experience through tours, student panels, and serve as hosts for a variety of campus events.
As a group the students complete a service project every year.
This year, at the suggestion of Taylor VanPelt, a current Navigator and senior at WSC, they decided to make hygiene kits. Taylor is currently completing an internship at Bright Horizons in Norfolk and wanted to involve the work she is doing there with a service project with the Navigator group.
Jen Canham, Navigator Advisor and Coordinator of Campus Events at WSC, saw an article which talked about how many women who enter a shelter or seek help following domestic violence many times are in need of a purse. They often leave their purses behind when they leave their homes in haste.
Therefore, the group decided to combine the two ideas and make hygiene kits and put them in purses for donation. They collected many hygiene items and 23 purses.
Eight of the purses were donated to Haven House in Wayne, and 15 were donated to Bright Horizons. They were delivered on March 31 by Canham, Navigator President Sarah Johnson of Newman Grove, and Navigator Vice President Blake Bartling of Vertigre.