Blossom Booster Club


Deb Dannely and Lou Wiltse  volunteered their flower power to get the downtown petunia pots off to a great start, ordering plants funded by Wayne Area Economic Development, planting them in late May, and keeping them regularly fertilized during the season. Downtown businesses have adopted all the pots and have been watering them daily and the results are stunning.  Hippie Chicken Smoke Shop earned the Blossom Booster Club Award for the month of June.  Owner, Jeremy Sadofsky, and his staff have faithfully cared for the pot outside their store at 311 Main Street. Involved in the certificate presentation were (left) Irene Mock, WAED Assistant Director, Hanna Halterman, an employee at The Hippie Chicken and Brayden  Sharp, Marketing, Events and Tourism Coordinator at WAED.