BREAKING NEWS – School board member withdrawing from race


The Wayne Herald has received word that a current member of the Wayne Community Schools Board of Education has pulled his name from the Nov. 8 general election.
Ken Jorgensen announced today that he is no longer a candidate for one of the three available seats on the board. Wayne County Clerk Deb Finn confirmed that Jorgensen withdrew his name from the ballot, leaving five candidates for the three positions that will be filled this fall.
Jorgensen told The Wayne Herald that he has always put kids first during his 7 1/2 years on the board, but has come to a point where he has too many things going on to be able to to devote the time needed to be a good representative on the Wayne school board.
"When you get so busy that you don't know which way to turn and you start losing your passion, when that happens it's time for somebody else to take over," Jorgensen said in a phone interview Thursday afternoon. "I still feel that the most important thing in my life are my kids, and the second most important thing are your kids, but when I don't have the time to keep that passion alive, then it's definitely time for somebody else (to step in)."
Jorgensen said he will finish the final four months of his second term on the board and said he will have the same conviction that he's brought to the board during his two terms and leave feeling proud of what the school board has accomplished during those eight years.
"I've loved what we have done the past eight years and am proud to be associated with everybody up there," Jorgensen said. "We've come a long way in eight years, and it's time for somebody to step up who has the same passion I've had for our kids. There's only one reason to run for this position, and that's the kids. If you're not there for the kids, then that's the wrong reason to be on the board."
Jorgensen's departure leaves Wendy Consoli as the only incumbent running for the three season. Other candidates for the three seats include Lynn Lunck, Mark Putnam, Jamie Manz and Casey Hurner.