During the second portion of the meeting of the Wayne County Board of Commissioners, the county's 2024-25 budget was approved and the 2024 tax rate was set.
The total budget for the county for the coming year is $24,010,207.50 and the total tax dollar request is $5,945,000.00. This is an increase of $157,134.15 from the 2023-2024 budget.
The tax rate for the coming year is .218430 per $100 of valuation. This is a decrease in the levy from the current rate.
Commissioner Dean Burbach asked several questions of Mike Pommer, CPA, who has been working with the county on creating the budget. He said several of the numbers he had for his District 3 budget did not match those on the proposed budget. His concerns were addressed and the issues clarified.
Pommer also explained to the commissioners what some of the numbers in the budget mean and how the county will be allowed to spend a portion of the allocated money.
Following the passage of the resolutions for the budget and tax rate, commissioners thanked Pommer for the assistance he has provided to the county.
During the morning portion of the meeting, commissioners approved the County Officials' personal property inventories for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.
An agenda item in regard to two proposed insurance addendums to the county's wind/hail deductible on county buildings was tabled.
It was noted that the current deductible is $300,000 but that it is possible to buy down that amount.
Commissioner Dean Burbach said he would like a representative of Warnemunde Insurance to come to a future meeting to answer questions the commissioners have about options available.
The Wayne County Board of Commissioners will next meet in regular session on Tuesday, Sept. 17 at 9 a.m. in the Wayne County Courtroom.