Candidate forum set for April 26


The Wayne Area Economic Development's Government Affairs Committee has confirmed that six candidates who will participate in the May 10 primary election will attend a candidate forum set for Tuesday, April 26.
The committee put together the forum, which will be held at 7 p.m. at the Wayne Senior Center, in an effort to give candidates for the Wayne City Council Ward Two and the District 17 Nebraska Legislature seats a chance to talk with the public in a forum setting before next month's primaries.
In Ward Two of the Wayne City Council, incumbent Jennifer Sievers is being challenged by Reed Allen and Josie Broders. The top two vote recipients in the Tuesday, May 10 primary will advance to the general ballot on Tuesday, Nov. 8.
The race to fill the seat that will be vacated by current State Sen. Dave Bloomfield is between retired South Sioux City teacher and business owner Ardel Bengston, Thurston farmer Joni Albrecht and Wayne businessman Louis Benscoter. The two highest vote totals among those three will also move on to the November election.
The forum is free and open to the public. Each candidate will have a three-minute introduction, and two-minute answers to questions that are gleaned from those in attendance will be given, with rebuttals as needed. The forum is expected to run 90 minutes and will be moderated by WAED executive director Wes Blecke.