At Tuesday's meeting, the Wayne County Commissioners received updates on the current wind energy project as well as discussing different topics.
The meeting started off with claim approvals. All claims were approved except for one that will be tabled until they can contact that person.
Next, the commissioners talked about Resolution No. 21-20 closing Road/Bridge Improvement District Fund 0802 as of Sept. 30, 2021 and transferring any future collections to Road/Bridge Fund 0300. This was the South Centennial project that has now been completed.
Everything is paid for and the taxes that are coming in are delinquent taxes that they are trying to cover now. Resolution No. 21-20 was approved.
Treasurer Tammy Paustian brought taking action on Resolution No. 21-22 Issuance of Tax Sale Certificates, personal taxes to be stricken list one, personal taxes to be stricken list two and parcels of real estate in county and specials in which taxes are delinquent.
The Resolution was approved. Paustian presented a list of taxes that are no longer active, which means that the accesor has deleted their record or the trailer is completely gone and no longer located there.
Distress warrants have been issued for many years but there is nothing there to collect. Notices have been sent out numerous times but have either been sent back or have received no response.
The taxes would be stricken which means Paustian would not have to send out a distress warrant every year, however, if they were to return they could still be collected on then.
Paustian handed out another list of delinquent taxes with the ones that have been there for many years being highlighted. She talked about doing a county tax on some of these properties but to do this they have to have a resolution for each one. Action on this item has been tabled until the next meeting.
Representatives from Haystack Wind Energy gave an update on how the project is coming along. They have finished hauling dirt and radiuses except for one at the moment.
Deliveries should be finished around Oct. 17 except for a few delayed deliveries that are planned to arrive the last week of October and beginning week of November. They currently have 39 complete sites and 18 more partially complete.
The plan is to try to energize some of the circuits and have some start spinning. Their goal is to be completely finished by Christmas.
Finally, Highway Superintendent Mark Casey brought up Resolution No. 21-21, the County Annual Certification of Program Compliance 2021 to the Nebraska Board of Public Road Classifications and Standards. This takes place of filing the annual report to the state and is the certification that it is done and on file here. The Resolution was approved.
Bid opening for County Bridge Match Program #4(623) started at 9:45. There were two bids from Dixon Construction and A&R Construction.
A&R had the low bid of $383,041.25 while Dixon's was $489,719.75. The start date that A&R stated was June 2022 and would end August 2022 but the commissioners are going to ask them if they can start earlier.
The Wayne County Board of Commissioners will next meet in regular session on Tuesday, Oct. 5 at 9 a.m. in the Wayne County Courthouse.