Updates on the courthouse renovation project and the Haystack Wind Energy Project were given during Tuesday's meeting of the Wayne County Board of Commissioners.
Doug Elting with Berggren Architects was present at the meeting to talk about items still on the punch list before the project is complete.
He said that "there was not a lot to report. There is still work to be done. I am taking pictures of the work that has been done on the gutters so the county's tax credits can be modified and the county can be reimbursed."
Commissioner Terry Sievers voiced his frustration, noting "nothing is getting done."
Commissioner Dean Burbach also had a number of questions on the work left to be completed and noted that this project has been in the works for two years.
Representatives with the Haystack Wind Energy project were at the meeting to talk about a number of aspects of the project.
Jeremy Moore, site manager for Blattner Energy, presented an updated map of the project to the commissioners and said "things are really starting to ramp up. We are making progress."
He also said crews are discussing traffic flow on a daily basis and working to minimize the impact on those in the area. He also shared information on the work schedule of those involved with project, including the hours and days the crews will be working.
Commissioner Sievers said he had been in contact with someone who has been driving on the roads where the wind towers are being installed who told him "she does not feel safe driving on the roads because of the dirt work and has had to go out of her way to get where she is going."
Highway Superintendent Mark Casey said he has no received permits for some of the boring work that is being done and would like a consistent numbering on the towers for certification of the driveways.
Commissioners and representatives from the project agreed that a monthly update will be provided.
Also during the meeting, commissioners listened to a presentation from Scott Sievers on the Second Amendment Sanctuary County Declaration.
Sievers asked the commissioners to "not enact laws that oppose or infringe on the right to bear arms. We need to keep our freedoms truly free and uphold the constitution."
He asked the commissioners to approve Resolution 21-09, Supporting the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and said "I think this is really important to many of us and is a great thing for the county and its citizens. It brings comfort and peace of mind to us."
Following Sievers' presentation, the commissioners unanimously approved the resolution.
Commissioners received an update from Wayne County Emergency Manager Nic Kemnitz on activities he will be involved with in the coming weeks.
These include having the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) trailer at the MayDay STOL event at the Wayne Municipal Airport April 28 through May 1 and having an emergency response planning meeting for the event on April 22.
Kemnitz also told the commissioners that the county's communications equipment will need to be powered by a portable generator for approximately four hours while the NET electrical transformer at the tower is replaced. Work has already been done to make this a smooth transition.
In-person incident tracking and accountability training with the Salamander ID system will take place during the annual Fire School in Grand Island May 20-23.
The commissioners will next meet in regular session on Tuesday, May 4 at 9 a.m. at the Wayne County Courthouse.