At Tuesday's meeting, the Wayne County Commissioners had different topics that needed to be acted on.
Steve Muir with United HealthCare Health Insurance informed the commissioners about the medical loss ratio premium for 2020. The amount was $12,216.47.
Then Nic Kemnitz of Emergency Management presented his changes to the Middle Northeast Community Wildfire Protection Plan and they were approved.
The commissioners took action on Resolution No. 21-23 directing the County Treasurer to add delinquent taxes for the years 2015 and 2016 to county tax sale certificates from last meeting and approved it.
They also approved six of the Wayne County Convention and Visitors Bureau Committee recommendations on Lodging Tax Grant Applications.
Another topic brought up was setting the Fiscal Year 2022 Per Diem meal rates. The state changed the original plan from reimbursing by each receipt and would instead give them a set amount of money for each meal. The motion was approved to stay with the state rules.
Highway Superintendent Mark Casey ended the meeting with a utility permit for an electrical line. There was no problem with the permit besides not receiving the $100 fee yet. The permit was approved.
The Wayne County Board of Commissioners will next meet in regular session on Tuesday, Oct. 19 at 9 a.m. in the Wayne County Courthouse.