Wayne County Clerk Debra Finn has released the names of those filing for office for the May 2024 Primary in Wayne County.The deadline for non-incumbents is 5 p.m. Friday, March 1.This year's Nebraska primary election will be held Tuesday, May 14.
The most recent filings included:
Jennifer M. Sievers has filed for Board of Education, Wayne; and
Jennifer Widner has filed for Board of Education, Wayne.
They join the previous list of filers prior to the Feb. 15 incumbent filing deadline.
Primary Election Filings
County Commissioner, Dist 2 (one position open):
Dean Burbach, Republican, Incumbent;
Dwaine Junck, Republican.
School Board, Dist 17, Wayne (three positions open):
Lynn Junck, Incumbent;
Jaime Manz, Incumbent;
Brendon Pick.
School Board, Dist 95R, Winside (three positions open):
Landon Grothe, Incumbent;
Zachary Brokaw;
Diane Frederick, Incumbent.
Wayne Airport Authority (two positions open):
Scott Hammer, Incumbent;
Mark Putnam, Incumbent.
Wayne City Council, Ward 1 (one position open):
Wayne City Council, Ward 2 (one position open):
Austyn Houser, Incumbent;
Wayne City Council, Ward 3 (one position open):
Brittany Webber, Incumbent.
Wayne City Council, Ward 4 (one position open):
Dwaine Spieker.
Delegates to County Convention
Daniel P. Backer;
Dean E. Burbach;
Julie A. Claybaugh;
William J. Claybaugh;
Debra J. Dickey;
William D. Dickey;
Breland W. Ridenour;
Jennifer L. Ridenour;
George Phelps;
Eleanor Liekhus;
Delores Boeckenhauer;
David Bloomfield;
Beverly Neel;
Robert Neel.
All are registered Republicans.