'Greet' two more of Wayne's new sculpture installments


It is time for sculptures! Each week, the Herald will be highlighting two of the 11 sculptures placed along Pearl and Main Streets in Wayne. Last week's features were "Continuum" by David Hyduke and "Art of the Heart" by Albert Rhea. Make sure to keep an eye out for all the sculptures!

“Greeting Tower”

by Sunghee Min

This sculpture is 96 inches tall, 24 inches wide, and 24 inches in across.

Sung-Hee Min is a sculptor/public artist based in Roseville, Minnesota.

She studied sculpture at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco, California where she earned her Fine Art's degree in 2000. Metal and fabrication has been her primary medium and process since. She is particularly drawn to steel's strength and structural integrity. In her early career, she created works for gallery exhibitions.

Her works were shown in the galleries mostly in the San Francisco Bay Area as well as Los Angeles, Chicago and Seoul, South Korea.

This sculpture is located at the corner of Third and Main, in front of Bloom & Grace.

“Drip Edge”

by Craig Snyder

Cubes. Exploded. Stacked. Painted. Tumbling. These are the words Craig Snyder uses to describe his sculpture. Colored cubes rise up toward the sky, giving a feeling of aspiration and encouragement. The sculpture is nine feet by two feet by two feet.

This sculpture is located at the corner of Third and Main, next to Nana's This & That.