The cost and coverage of the districts’ property and casualty insurance, as well as future projects to be funded by the Wayne Community Schools’ Foundation were among the agenda items on Monday’s meeting of the Wayne Community Schools Board of Education.
Cap Peterson with Northeast Nebraska Insurance spoke of the district’s current coverage and highlighted changes.
He noted that the district currently has coverage for 90 percent of the property value and told board members that there would only be a $1,400 difference in premium if the district changed that to 100 percent.
Following his presentation, the board did vote to accept the quote, including the increase in coverage.
Five projects were among those presented by the Wayne Community Schools Foundation.
The foundation will soon send out annual campaign letters and plans to list projects to be funded by this year’s donations.
These include technology, a screen and projector for the high school Lecture Hall, a scoreboard for the Kern Track, stage curtains for the Lecture Hall and stadium lights for the track.
Considerable discussion was held on which of these projects should be completed and in which order.
It was noted that a $5,000 anonomous donation has been received for the screen and projector. It is estimated the project would cost $10,000.
The cost to replace the stage curtain is estimated to be between $25,000 and $50,000. Board members felt this project should be put on hold until a decision is made about a new performing arts area in the school.
The cost estimate for a new score board,which would include a digital portion to record track results, is $60,000 to $75,000 with an additional $25,000 for installation.
Stadium lights would allow for the public to use the track for walking. At the present time, all games held at the football field there have to be scheduled earlier in the day because there is no lighting at the track.
The cost estimate for this project is $175,000.
Following discussion on the merits of each of the projects, the board gave its approval for the Foundation to fund all five projects as they can.
Board members accepted, with regrets, the resignation of Judy Stepp, effective at the end of the 2016-2017 school year. Stepp currently serves as a teacher at the Early Learning Center.
The board also approved a refuse removal bid from Gill Hauling for $535 per month.
Superintendent Mark Lenihan told the board there is no change in price from the current year.
A snow removal bid from Sebade Snow Removal was also accepted for the upcoming season. It was noted that the firm has a number of different pieces of equipment that would be used, depending upon the amount of snowfall.
Drawings for the locker room renovation at the high school were presented with proposed plans for a coach’s room with doors and windows, showers and lockers. Both the boys’ and girls’ locker rooms will be renovated.
The district is planning to go out for bids on the project in late January or early February.
Administrator reports were presented by each of the administrators, highlighting activities that have taken place in recent weeks.
The district is begining its negotation process with teachers and a meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 19 to begin the process. The district plans to enter into a two year contract with the teachers.
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Wayne Community Schools Board of Education will be Monday, Nov. 14 at 5 p.m. in the junior-senior high school library.