Memory Lane: Dec. 20, 1973


From the December 20, 1973 of the Wayne Herald

Unique sounds of Christmas

The Wayne Senior Citizens band filled the Woman's Club room of the City Auditorium with music Monday, entertaining Wayne Kiwanians with the merry sounds of Christmas. The bobbies and Bubblettes performed the half-hour show during the club's regular weekly meeting, giving their versions of various seasonal tunes as well as other older songs.

According to center director Mrs. Jociell Bull, the 11-member band has been in existence for about a year.

"We're always ready and eager to perform anytime," Bull said. The group uses spoons, triangles, wash tub, mouth harp and other instruments to create their unique sounds. After the music, club members settled down to business, with project chairman Keith Mosley noting that the recent club peanut sale netted about $100. "We sold about 734 bags, this year, and I believe we can top that mark next year," he said.