Memory Lane: Nov. 23, 1972


From the November 23, 1972 edition of The Wayne Herald

400 attend Wayne's first Farmer-Businessman Feed

More than 400 Wayne businessmen and area farmers packed the Wayne State Student Center Saturday night to mark the first annual Farmer-Businessman Dinner.

The huge group feasted on a smorgasbord dinner sponsored by the Wayne businessmen to show their appreciation to farmers from throughout the area.

"We finally got the dinner on the road," Wayne Chamber of Commerce Manager Floyd Bracken said. "Wayne has been trying to get this type of appreciation dinner going and now we have it started."

During the two and a half-hour affair, "Captain Stubby," a special humorous speaker for the stag dinner, kept the crowd on the sides of their chairs laughing at this tales of being an Indiana farm boy.

Tom Fouts, better known as Captain Stubby, then turned to the serious side of his act in closing the banquet. He told the group:

"You don't need a bankful of cash to be thankful. Be thankful you have what you do . Don't envy your neighbors' fruits of their labors; your fortune rests solely with you."