Wayne State College will be the setting for the John G. Neihardt Conference, “Youth Remembered, 1881-1901,’’ Sept. 20 - 21. The conference title relates to Neihardt’s final book written in his 90s, “All is But a Beginning.’’
Events begin Monday, Sept. 20 with a session from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in Gardner Hall Auditorium. Panelists for the session include Nancy Gillis, Joseph Weixelman and Meena Dalal. A reception follows in Gardner Hall Lobby. The public is also welcome to examine an exhibit on John G. Neihardt completed from Conn Library Archives by Marcus Schlichter. Marianne Reynolds, Director of the Neihardt Center in Bancroft, will offer a book sale to the public.
The event continues on Tuesday, Sept. 21, from 10 to 10:30 a.m. at State Nebraska Bank and Trust, 122 Main Street in Wayne with a special chamber coffee open to the public. Dalal will give a presentation on the history of Wayne State College and the Ley Family’s involvement with the College.
Everyone is welcome to participate in a walking tour of historic downtown Wayne from 10:30 to 11 a.m.
The public is invited to attend a Native American Dance performance by the Many Moccasins Dance Troupe in Ley Theatre, 5 to 6 p.m.
Tim Anderson, Nancy Gillis, Joseph Weixelman and Meena Dalal will share insights during a panel discussion in Gardner Hall Auditorium from 6:30 to 8 p.m. The public will again have an opportunity to examine an exhibit by Conn Library Archivist Marcus Schlichter. Reynolds will again offer an opportunity to purchase books. There will be reception after the panel discussion in Gardner Hall Lobby.
For more information, contact Joseph Weixelman at: joweixe1@wsc.edu.