New year, new opportunities available through 4-H


​Happy New Year and 2024! I hope your new year is off to a great start, other than the cold temperatures and snow.

It is one of our favorite times of year at Nebraska Extension in Wayne County, ENROLLMENT TIME! It’s time to enroll in Nebraska 4-H and the Wayne County 4-H program.

What is 4-H? 4-H is the world’s leading youth development organization, serving over six million youth annually. 4-H gives young people the opportunity to find a sense of belonging through 4-H clubs, camps, after school groups, or special events. While there are many ways to participate in 4-H that do not require enrollment, Nebraska 4-H Month, coming up in February, is the perfect time to join or complete the annual re-enrollment process. We ask that our families enroll on before Feb. 1 to make sure you don’t miss any important updates and deadlines. 4-H enrollment is open to all youth ages 5-18 as of Dec. 31 of the previous year.

There are two ways your child/ren can participate in 4-H. If your child is 5-7, there is the Clover Kids level of 4-H membership. Clover Kids can do special projects designed for their age level, as well as taking part in “club projects” of all sorts. Clover Kids may also exhibit at the county fair and will receive comments and encouragement on their exhibits and will receive a special Clover Kid ribbon for each exhibit.

The traditional 4-H program is designed for youth ages 8 - 18. 4-H members at this level can choose from hundreds of projects and investigate careers and interests to see if it is really something they want to do. Traditional 4-H clubs are the life-blood of the program with 4-H members learning with their friends as parents and other caring adults guide them as 4-H Leaders in the projects and activities.

With over 150 projects in a variety of topic areas, every young person can find a 4-H project that fits their interests. By enrolling, youth have the opportunity to exhibit their 4-H projects at the Wayne County Fair and the Nebraska State Fair, as well as participate in other contests and events.

4-H is not only for youth. It takes a whole team of adults and volunteers to help make our programs successful. If you are interested in enrolling your child/ren in 4-H, or volunteering, please contact our office at 402-375-3310.

February Calendar


Nebraska 4-H Month

Feb. 1: 4-H Priority Enrollment deadline.

Feb. 1: Year-End Club Treasurer’s Reports due.

Feb. 1: Farrowed and Owned Swine Cohort Applications due.

Feb. 1: 4-H Spirit Day.

Feb. 3: Wayne County Air Gun Match, Carroll Auditorium.

Feb. 3: Clover Kid Meeting (9 a.m.).

Feb. 8: 4-H Volunteer Appreciation Day.

Feb. 15: Special Garden Project Registration due.

Feb. 15: 4-H Council Meeting.

Feb. 15: 4-H Supporter Appreciation Day.

Feb. 19: Office Closed - President's Day.

Feb. 22: Give Back Day.

Feb. 24: Pierce County Shooting Sports Invite, Pierce County Fairgrounds.

Feb. 26: Clover Kid Meeting Registration due.

Feb. 29: Leap into 4-H – Get Enrolled in 4-H Day.