Sheriff explains current distress warrants


At Tuesday's meeting, the Wayne County Commissioners focused on a couple different matters.

The first thing brought up was the approval of lodging tax grant applications. They approved 10 of the applications and denied only one due to it being turned in late. 

Sheriff Jason Dwinell then discussed the current distress warrants. He explained there is about $17,290.25 that has been uncollected so far.

Dwinell went on to explain that some of the distress warrants went all the back to 2000 and that some of the taxes owed are actually from the accumulated interest.

"According to the state, any distress warrant over 10 years old that has not been collected is to be scratched from the record and not colllected upon," Dwinell said.

He also talked about the new cruisers that were ordered. They will have to sell the old ones once the others arrive.

There is also old equipment that they will be getting rid of. They discussed different ways of either donating or selling them as well.

Next the commissioners approved the financial audit proposals from Porter & Company for the next three years. The 30x30 plan was also discussed and was voted in opposition of the deal.

Finally, Highway Superintendent Mark Casey confirmed the dates for the scrap tire recycling on Aug. 13 and 14. 

The Wayne County Board of Commissioners will next meet in regular session on Tuesday, Aug. 3 at 9 a.m. in the Wayne County Courthouse.