A request from BJ Woehler, who lives at 902 Bressler Court, was among the items debated during Tuesday's meeting of the Wayne City Council.
Woehler requested a waiver of the sidewalk agreement.
He told the council that he has had discussions with city staff and noted that he lives in a cul de sac in which "the sidewalk doesn't go anywhere. Also, there are no sidewalks to Western Ridge."
Woehler listed several reasons for not installing a sidewalk, including snow removal issues, the location of a mailbox and the need to drive over the curb. He encouraged council members to look at the frontage of properties before making a decision on the need for sidewalks.
Council member Matt Eischied said the council needs to develop a plan for new development areas going forward that is consistent. He said that as a council, "we need to stay informed and make sure there are sidewalks where people that need to use them can do so."
Following discussion, council members voted to deny Woehler's request for a waiver.
Considerable time was spent discussing a request from Dustin Soden to close Fifth Street from Main Street to Pearl Street for a "Burn Out Competition" during upcoming Cruise Nights.
Soden explained what a "Burn Out" consists of and said that only the pavement portion of Fifth Street would be used, not the bricks. He also talked about safety and said concrete barriers would be installed to block the intersection and caution tape installed on both sides of the street.
He said he had contacted his insurance agency in regard to liability insurance and was working on additional details.
Wayne Area Economic Development Director Luke Virgil spoke on the issue of insurance and whether or not the event could be included with other WAED-sponsored events. He said that it would be possible to apply for grant-funding for a portion of the event, because it does bring tourists into the community. He said his office will look into what assistance would be available.
Wayne Police Chief Marlen Chinn said that the event will produce lots of smoke and noise, but there are not a lot of residential homes in the area.
Following discussion, council members suggested moving the event to the former Riley's parking lot on South Main Street. The benefits of this area were discussed and several positive benefits were listed.
Approval was given to Soden to hold the event at the Riley's parking lot on Aug. 20 and Sept. 17.
Several resolutions were approved during Tuesday's meeting.
These included Resolution 2021-32 which creates a Master Services Agreement with HunTel.net, Inc. doing business as American Broadband Nebraska Communications, Inc.
The five-year agreement is for a lease on the 'dark fiber' provided by American Broadband. There will be no cost to the city for this service and the new agreement will save the city nearly $1,000 per month.
Resolution 2021-33 was approved, accepting the work on the Greenwood Cemetery-West Driveway Project. A payment of $75,350 will be made to TR Harris Construction, Inc. for the 10 foot driveway.
Resolution 2021-34 approved an addendum to an agreement between the city of Wayne and the Wayne Country and Golf Club.
The agreement will allow the country club to pump water from city well #6 for irrigation at the golf course. Well #6 is not currently in service to the city, and the city is also working on several water concerns with well #7.
Resolution 2021-35 will allow the Chief Elected Official to sign an application for Community Development Block Grant Funds in the amount of $250,000 for owner occupied rehabilitation.
The Wayne Community Housing Development Corporation would be the grant manager and no matching funds from the city would be required for the grant.
The final resolution of the evening, Resolution 2021-36, approves a memorandum of understanding between the city of Wayne and Wayne Area Economic Development regarding Public Art.
Luke Virgil discussed the current art project and the $10,000 that was paid to the artists for the 10 sculptures located throughout the downtown area.
Virgil also said plans are underway to create a phone app with details on each of the sculptures. In addition, plaques will be installed with each to provide the name of the piece and the artists.
Budget work sessions for the 2021-2022 fiscal year were scheduled for July 20 and Aug. 3, following regular council meetings.
The Wayne City Council will next meet in regular session on Tuesday, July 20 at 5:30 p.m.