The adventure continues at your library


You might be familiar with Nebraska Extension’s Early Childhood STEM Imagination Guides that are developed each year to accompany the Collaborative Summer Reading Program hosted by public libraries across the country. 

Last year was all about diversity, kindness, and friendship, but we are getting ready to gear up for 2024! 

This year’s theme is “Adventure Begins at Your Library”, so to complement that, we will be rolling out our 2024 STEM Imagination Guides all about adventure! To give you a sneak peek, we are developing guides around adventures in the kitchen, outer space, the wild, and many more!  We typically begin posting our completed guides after the first of the year, so be on the lookout for that. 

In the meantime, you can still visit our website to get the guides from this year and year’s past. Themes include Fairytales, Animal Habitats, and the Ocean and are available and free to download. 

Each guide comes fully stocked with activities based around science, nature, creativity, and literacy.  Along with hands-on activities, each guide includes a suggested book with conversation starters, but you are more than welcome to use your choice of book with the children in your care. 

As this year comes to a close, we look forward to increasing our reach with 2024’s exciting theme as we bring you along for the variety of adventures with our STEM Imagination Guides. 

To access the guides, visit Our contact information is included on the website, and we would love to hear your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions for future guides.