Memory Lane: August 20, 1984


August 20, 1984 — Wayne's own taekwondo kid

Prior to the Gay Theatre's Friday evening showing of "The Karate Kid," a young boy from Wayne received an honor commonly given to older individuals.

Tim Thomas, a Wayne taekwondo instructor, was following tradition that evening when he handed down his black belt to another of his students. This student was also presented a special plaque. Thomas wrote the following philosophy on the plaque: "The main thing in life is to keep pushing myself, to keep striving to awaken, and the difference between the waking man and the one who is asleep is that the sleepwalker feels he is already awake while the
waking man keeps pushing, striving and struggling to be awakened." Those are string words to live by. But Jack Swinney, recipient of the black belt and plaque, doesn't have to think twice about the wording. He has experienced first hand the effort, dedication, skills, and discipline in becoming one of the best.