Memory Lane: September 30, 1994


September 30, 1994 —Veterans host Norfolk group for meal

Twenty-two residents of the Norfolk Veterans Home in Norfolk were served a fried chicken supper at the Wayne VFW on Monday evening. The event was co-sponsored by the Wayne American Legion Auxiliary Post #43, VFW Auxiliary Post #5291 and by the Disabled American Veteran Post and Auxiliary Chapters 28. Twenty-six members from these organizations helped prepare and serve the meal. Deb Schlect, Activities Assistant said the residents of the Norfolk home are invited by local veteran's organizations to various events throughout the summer and early fall. " Because we are in a rural area and most towns have some type of VFW or American Legion, we get out as many as 10-15 times a month during the summer months," she said. Transporting the veterans was made easier this summer by the purchase of a custom-made 28 passenger bus. Fundraising for the bus took more than ayear and included funds donated by VFW and Legion chapters and auxiliaries from throughout the state as well as a $22,500 grant from the Peter Kiewit Foundatioon. Total
cost for the bus was more than $120,000.