Board organization, resignations, presentations on board agenda


As is typical for the first meeting of the new year, a number of routine agenda items were handled during the early portion of Monday's meeting of the Wayne Community Schools' Board of Education.

The first item involved the swearing in of three board members who were elected to their positions in November. Lynn Junck and Jaime Manz were re-elected to the board, which Brendon Pick was elected to his first term in office.

Following a vote by the members of the board, Jodi Pulfer was elected President; Jaime Manz, Vice President; Deb Daum, Recording Secretary and Darian Stoltenberg, treasurer.

Board members also approved the current Policy and Regulation Manual as governing rules of the district as listed on the school's website —

In addition, the board designated State Nebraska Bank as the designated depository and the Wayne Herald as Classified Recording Records. The board also designated Perry, Guthery, Haase & Gessford, P.C., L.L.O. as legal counsel for the district.

Board members accepted the resignations of Erin Wilrich, a sixth grade teacher and Judy Poehlman, Food Service Manager.

Wilrich's family is re-locating and she will be leaving the district at the end of the school year.

Poehlman, who has served in the food service department with the school, will be retiring on June 30, 2025. Teresa Tiedtke, who has worked as the assistant food director for several years, will be replacing her.

"We appreciate the years Judy has worked here at the school and wish her well in her retirement," said Superintendent Dr. Mark Lenihan.

Shalee Hoffman, Coordinator and Jill Walling, Board President of the Wayne TeamMates Program spoke during Monday's meeting.

They both thanked the board and the school for their continued support of the program. They talked about the advantages of mentees having an adult to talk to and listed some of the other activities the program takes part in throughout the year.

They highlighted the book vending machine at the Elementary School that was obtained by TeamMates through the READ Grant program and an upcoming assembly with astronaut Clayton Anderson.

There are currently 62 students match with adults from the community and a number on a waiting list to be matched. Hoffman told the board the program is "always looking for more mentors, especially men."

Under the agenda item "Celebration of Success," the Unified Bowling team, the Yearbook Staff and the five mid-term graduates were recognized.

Darian Stoltenberg was hired as the new Business Manager for the district. She began her duties earlier this month.

Superintendent Lenihan spoke to the board on staffing options for the coming year and noted there may be a shift in the number of teachers at certain grade levels at the elementary level, based on the number of students in each grade. It is anticipated that the first grade class for 2025-2026 will be large enough to warrant four sections and four teachers.

Approval was given for the 2025-2026 school calendar.

Dr. Lenihan told the board that he had worked with the district's advisory committee to arrive at the dates for the start of the school year (Thursday, Aug. 14 - half day); Christmas break (Dec. 22 - Jan. 2); teacher work day on Monday, Jan. 5 and school resumes for students on Tuesday, Jan. 6; Graduation (Saturday, May 16) and tentative last day of school (Tuesday, May 19).

In addition, prior to the start of the school year, there will be a district-wide moratorium with no activities from July 19-27.

Board members approved the ESU #1 Contract Intentions for the 2025-2026 school year.

Special Education Director Misty Beair explained some of the numbers of hours and types of services the district is requesting from the ESU. She said that due to the fact that the district has reduced the number of students receiving services at Tower School, there could be a considerable savings in the coming year. She noted that the district only pays for the number of hours used in each of the categories of services.

Committee reports included information from the Foundation on the money raised for the playground equipment at the Early Learning Center and new scholarships to be offered to this year's senior class; work completed at school over Christmas break and the need to review certain district policies.

The Wayne Community Schools' Board of Education will next meet on Monday, Feb. 10 at 5 p.m. in the junior-senior high school library.