Commissioner meeting includes light agenda


Only two agenda items on Tuesday's meeting of the Wayne County Commissioners required any action by the commissioners.

Julie Schultz, Nebraska Extension Educator - Wayne County, came before the commissioners with the names of three individuals to be named to the Wayne County Extension Board.

Trevor Sullivan, Brent Svoboda and Barb Hochstein will join three other members of the board and serve three-year terms. There is still one position on the board to make it complete.

Schultz also updated the board on her plans to purchase a new computer for her office. The purchase has already been included in the fiscal year's budget.

Highway Superintendent Kyle Huff brought forth four quotes he had received for a snowblower for District 3. He told the commissioners that two of the quotes did not contain the items requested in the quote.

The quote of $1,395 from Midwest Service & Sales was the lower of the quotes that met the specifications and board members approved both the quote and the financial claim for its purchase.

The snowblower is an eight foot by four foot Fair 848C Snow Crete PTO model.

Huff also updated the board on the recent bridge inspection class he had attended. He noted there will be a need to inspect every bridge in the county that is under 30 feet and going forward there will be more paperwork to go along with the inspections.

He also said there will be "lots more spot-checking" on bridges by state officials and if the bridges do not meet the requirements, the county could loose funding.

Both Huff and the commissioners discussed a number of bridges in the county that may need work and a number of these are being included on the county's one and six-year plan that will be approved during the second meeting in February.

The Wayne County Board of Commissioners will next meet in regular session on Tuesday, Feb. 4 at 9 a.m. in the Wayne County Courtroom.