Nick Muir, Cale Giese, Jon Haase and Jennifer Sievers were sworn in as members of the Wayne City Council in their respective wards during Tuesday's meeting of the Wayne City Council.
Conducting the ceremony was Amy Miller, Wayne City Attorney.
All four were re-elected in the November General election.
Jill Brodersen was re-elected to serve as Council President during the meeting.
Several items on the agenda dealt with the Wayne Aquatic Center.
A change order resulting in a decrease of $37,997.34 was approved to Christiansen Construction, LLC.
The majority of that amount represents 60 days worth of liquidated damages because the project was not completed by the date specified in the contract.
Roger Protzman with JEO Consulting Group told the council that the city had met with the contractor and discussed the reasons for the delay. As a result of the discussion, a compromise was reached on the actual number of days in which damages were sought.
A final payment of $27,550.92 was approved to Christiansen Construction for the project.
Protzman told the council that the entire construction portion of the project was $2,612,038.98, which was under the original budget.
For the complete story on Tuesday's Council meeeting, pick up a copy of this week's Wayne Herald.