Early retirement granted to long-time school employees


The early retirement of three Wayne Public Schools employees, with a combined 91 years of service to the district were approved during Monday's meeting of the Wayne Community School's Board of Education.
Junior High Principal/Athletic Director Rocky Ruhl, high school English teacher Sylvia Ruhl and Business teacher Annette Rasmussen have all indicated their desire to take advantage of the early leave incentive and will retire after the current school year. Rocky's retirement will be effective June 15, 2017 while Sylvia and Annette's retirement will be effective at the end of 2016-2017 school year.
Rocky has been employed with the school system for 30 years, first as a Math teacher and later as principal/athletic director.
Sylvia has been employed as a high school English teacher for 33 years.
Annette has served in several capacities within the district for 28 years.
All the resignations were accepted with regrets.
The board approved the hiring of Toni Rasmussen as an Ag/FFA instructor for the 2017-2018 school year with a 30 day extended contract.
Rasmussen will be responsible for implementing an Ag program at the school as there has not been one in recent history.
In other action, the board listened to a presentation from Jon Carlson with Carlson, West, Provonda Architects. Carlson told the board that the plan is to complete the drawings for the locker rooms/Ag room renovation project within the next month and go out for bids in January.
A bid would be awarded in February and construction could start before end of the school year. It is anticipated that all the work would be finished before the start of the 2017-2018 school year.
Carlson explained what the completed project will look like and told the board that a number of issues with the locker rooms and the area that connects to the Ag/computer area of the school will be addressed.
He said that the completed project will result in the boys and girls locker rooms being nearly identical in size.
The board will next meet in regular session on Monday, Jan. 9 at 5 p.m. in the junior-senior high school library.