Legislative candidates share views during forum


Approximately 40 people were in attendance at the Wayne Fire Hall for a candidate forum featuring the two candidates for Legislative District 17 last week.

The event was hosted by Wayne America, Inc., with assistance from the Wayne County Republican Party.

Breland Ridenour, Wayne County Republicans, Chairman and Luke Virgil, Director of Wayne America, Inc., served as moderators of the event, asking questions of the candidates that had been presented either prior to the forum, or from those in the audience.

The evening began with a short presentation from William Feely, NEGOP National Committeeman.

Feely told those in attendance of his duties on both the state and national level and encouraged all in attendance to "get out and vote, because your vote counts."

He also shared information on two of the ballot initiatives that will be presented to voters on Nov. 5.

Mike Albrecht and Glen Meyer, the two candidates for Legislative District 17, each had the opportunity to introduce themselves and talk about the reasons for seeking the office.

Albrecht is a life-long resident of Thurston County and shared information on his experience of a number of boards throughout his life. He recently turned the operation of his farm over to his son, allowing him time to serve in a different capacity.

"I feel like I can made a difference. I am up-to-date on the issues and understand how the process works," he said. "I have been involved in community service all my life and have learned how to get along with people."

He said that during the eight years his wife, Joni, has served in the Legislature, he has been watching the legislature and said "District 17 needs a strong voice in Lincoln."

Meyer thanked organizers for hosting the event and said he appreciated the fact that so many people showed up. He said he was born and raised in Wayne County and talked about his experience on several boards. He currently is a member of the  Thurston County Board.

"We need to work efficiently and need to focus on the needs of the county and schools, not the wants. We need to look at options to come up with solutions for property taxes," he said.

Questions from the audience included seeking the candidates positions on school vouchers, priorities on dealing with property taxes, making sure there are secure elections, the constitutional carry law for gun owners, population retainment in rural areas, how to keep schools funded while reducing property taxes, the desire to split the electoral college votes in Nebraska, the abortion initiatives that will be on the ballot, priorities for infrastructure projects and foreign ownership of land in Nebraska.

The evening concluded with both candidates thanking those in attendance and encouraging all to vote on Nov. 5.

A candidate forum for those seeking positions on the Wayne Community Schools' Board of Education and Wayne City Council Ward 4 will be held 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 22 at the Wayne Country Club.