Northeast Power lineman wins rodeo competition


Nate Pospisil,  a lineman with Northeast Power in Wayne, recently  competed with a Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD) lineman and win the mutual aid competition at the Nebraska Lineworkers Rodeo 

The event was held July 18-19 at the Custer County Fairground in Broken Bow.

Pospisil, originally from Winnetoon, has lived in Wayne the last 20 years while working for Northeast.

In the competition Pospisil was paired with Chad Sedlacek with NPPD

This year's rodeo had 10, two- person Journeyman teams and 46 individual apprentices compete. For the mutual aid event, each of the contestant's names is drawn randomly for the two-person team. They then compete with that person in a fuse link replacement. The team with the least deductions and the fastest time wins.

Other events that were part of the rodeo included:

Journeyman events:

•Pole top rescue

•Capacitor change

•Broken conductor change and

•Lightning arrestor change

Apprentice events were:

•Pole top rescue

•Safety Manual Test

•Obstacle climb and

•Rope toss

The Mutual aid event involved the fuse link replacement.