At the most recent Wayne Chamber Coffee, State Nebraska Bank & Trust (SNB) presented a check for $60,000 to the Wayne County Fair for new LED lighting at the grandstand.
SNB has been a proud supporter of the Wayne County Fair from its beginning in 1922. Since then, a Ley family member has been involved with the Fair as treasurer (except during a short time while Henry Ley served as the State’s Banking Director), adding up to more than 100 years of service.
Bank Chairman Dave Ley and Senior VP & Trust Officer Diane Roeber have served on the Fair Board for 86 years combined and are still going strong. Dave serves as the Fair’s Treasurer, and Diane serves as the Secretary.
To encourage employees to attend the fair, the bank also gives everyone two fair passes each year.
Mark your calendars for next year’s Fair on July 24-27, 2025, and learn more at
Founded in 1892, State Nebraska Bank & Trust is the only bank locally owned in Wayne, run by the same family for five generations. For more information, visit or call (402) 375-1130.