Vending machine at Wayne Elementary dispenses books


The TeamMates National Office has partnered with READ Nebraska to provide grant funding and materials to elementary TeamMates chapters.

The READ Nebraska program aims to expand mentorships throughout the state of Nebraska to improve the reading levels of elementary students.

The Wayne TeamMates chapter has enjoyed many benefits from this grant, from funding an End-of-Year Celebration at the Majestic Theatre to the new games and books in the Game Closet. 

"The Wayne Chapter was also selected to receive a book vending machine from this grant. Our board decided to donate the machine to our elementary school so all students could have a chance to use it," said Wayne TeamMates Coordinator Shalee Hoffman.

"We are so appreciative of this gift of the Book Vending Machine from TeamMates," said Elementary Principal Courtney Maas.

"Students can earn a token for the vending machine through our PBIS incentive of earning Blue Devils. Students earn Blue Devils by displaying positive behavior at school by being respectful, responsible, or safe. When they earn a Blue Devil, they take their Blue Devil to the office and put it in a bucket. On Tuesday mornings, we draw two Blue Devils from the bucket to earn a prize. A token to the Book Vending Machine is one of their prize choices," Maas said.

She also noted "The students are so excited to earn their opportunity to earn a token to be able to choose a book. It's fun to hear them say, "I want the Bluey book!", or "I want Pete the Cat!" We will also have other events throughout the school year where we will announce that they can earn a token, such as our Book Battle in second semester."

TeamMates provided 300 books to fill the vending machine. The books in it now aren't even all the titles and books provided.

"We appreciate all that TeamMates does for the students at Wayne Elementary School. It's a fantastic partnership for students in our community," Maas said.

For more information on TeamMates or to become a mentor, visit