Wayne Holiday Tour of Homes raises $8,600 for museum


The Friends of the Wayne County Museum hosted a successful Holiday Tour of Homes on Nov. 15 - 16 in Wayne and the surrounding area.

The event raised $8,600 to help with maintenance and upkeep of the Wayne County Museum. Close to 300 people toured five homes along with the Museum.

Homeowners included Melissa Dobbins, Elizabeth King of the Rose Cottage, Karen Longe and Mark Hill, Randy and Laura Nelson of Dreamer’s Place, and Ron and Rhonda Sebade.

"The Friends of the Wayne County Museum thank all the owners for sharing their lovely homes this holiday season, the volunteers who helped decorate and serve as docents, and the community for its support," said Kaki Ley, a member of the group.

The Wayne County Museum is open Sunday afternoons from 2-4 p.m., Memorial Day through Labor Day. School groups and private tours can be scheduled by appointment. After all, history loves company.

To make an appointment, call 402-375-2240. For additional information, visit their Facebook page at “Wayne County NE Historical Society Museum.”