Two public hearings were on Tuesday's agenda of the Wayne City Council.
The first involved an application for Community Development Block Grant - Public Works Funds.
Andrea Larson, Community Planner with the Northeast Nebraska Economic Development District, shared information on what the $435,000 grant would be used for at Prairie Park, including $400,000 for project activities, $10,000 for construction management and $25,000 for general administration.
This phase of the project would include adding three baseball/softball fields, a bathhouse/shower house and ADA trail connections.
The city would be required to provide matching funds in the amount of $120,000.
Following the public hearing, council members voted unanimously to authorize the chief elected official to sign an application for Community Block Grant-Public Works Funds.
The second hearing was in regard to an application for a Class C Liquor License for Wildcat Lanes, LLC.
Darin and Jessi Jensen recently purchased the business. They spoke during the public hearing and said at the present time they are operating under the current license for the business, which expires in September. They noted they had a 'soft opening' for the business recently, which was very successful.
Following the hearing, Resolution 2024-29 was approved in regard to the license.
Resolution 2024-30 was approved. It deals with the scope of services and Task Order No. 240725 with JEO Consulting Group, Inc. for the 2024 Water Supply Well Project.
Roger Protzman with JEO was at the meeting and talked about the need for the city to add an additional water supply and "shore up the water supply for the city."
The city currently has five wells, three of which are high capacity wells and two that are available to provide drinking water.
Cost estimate for a new well is approximately $1 million.
Protzman explained the scope of the work JEO would provide and a timeline for actually getting a well into service.
Two resolutions on Tuesday's agenda included plans and specifications for items needed for the installation of an electric substation.
The first allows for plans and specifications for an electric power transformer and the second for a 69 kV Circuit Switcher.
Paul Davis with DGR Engineering told the council that both of these items have a long lead time, which requires going out for bids this early in the project.
Resolution 2024-31 was approved. It amends the interlocal agreement to share law enforcement resources between the city of Wayne and Wayne Community Schools Board of Education.
This amendment will allow for a Wayne Police Officer to spend up to 15 hours per week at the school (when school is in session).
Police Chief Marlen Chinn told the council that the last year has been a learning process and shared information on some of the activities the resource officer has been involved with.
A pay adjustment has been made to reflect the actual cost of the officer to the school.
In other action, council members received an update on the Wayne City Hall and Police Relocation Project.
Keith Moje with Otte Construction and Bob Soukup with Carlson West Provondra shared information with the council on work that has been done on the project and noted that the rains have caused some delays in the outside work.
Both did indicate the project is "moving along nicely."
Council members took no action on a proposal from BJ Woehler on the 306 Pearl Street project (Old City Hall).
Woehler presented a proposal for the property in which he would like to purchase the building for $1 and develop site plans and building plans as the program is developed and funds procured.
He spoke to the council and said, "my main goal is to save the building and not have it demolished. If the city would go out for another RFP (Request for Proposals), I would be able to be more specific on my plans."
Council member Matt Eischied said he was not comfortable with Woehler's time frame and wanted a price more realistic than $1.
An update on the city's property at 1100 East 10th Street was presented.
City Administrator Wes Blecke said he had spoke with officials with First National Bank Omaha and they were not interested in extending the lease beyond the current lease, which runs through February of 2026.
The Wayne City Council will next meet in regular session on Tuesday, July 2 at 5:30 p.m. in council chambers.