Memory Lane: December 30, 1974


December 30, 1974 — Ley is Exon's choice for state job

Henry Ley of Wayne has been named to a six-year post on the Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges. Ley, currently in his last days as state banking director, fills a seat ledt by the completion of J. Alan Cramer's term on the board. Cramer, also of Wayne, goes off the board officially at the end of this month. Chairman of the board of directors of the State National Bank and Trust Co. in Wayne, Ley, 71, has resigned as state banking director effective Jan. 9. He has served in that post all four years of Governor J. J. Exon's term as well as during the term of Frank Morrison. Gov. Exon announced the appointment of Ley to the state college board on Thursday. He also named Murl Mauser, Big Springs farmer-rancher, to replace Ogallala attorney James Lane on the board. Named by Exon to replace Ley as state banking director was Grand Island banker William Riley.