Memory Lane: January 22, 2015


January 22, 2015 — Turning gold bracelets into fresh water on 'mini-mission'

Roughly 40 billion hours are spent collecting water in sub-Saharan Africa every year. One student-athlete at Wayne State College wants to make a change in that number. Katie Hughes, a junior at Wayne State, has set a goal to raise money to send to an organization that aides impoverished rural populations in building wells, establishing appropriate sanitation methods and implementing proper hygiene practices. Hughes is a member of Journey Christian Church's College Group, a Sunday evening life group for those college aged. On average, 50-75 students attend each week. At the end of the semester, justin Raulston,
Minister of Involvement at JCC, challenged those in the group to take a Kingdom card if they felt so compelled. Hughes' card stated she was to raise $1,000 for Lifewater International. Hughes custom-ordered 200 rubber bracelets to sell at $2 apiece in order to raise funds.