Memory Lane: January 28, 1965


January 28, 1965 — Cuban exile tells of tyranny in Castro's 'suffering country'

A distinguished Cuban who exiled himself to the United States, leaving everything "to gain liberty," told Wayne Kiwanians the plight of his native land Monday. Dr. Aristides Sosa, one-time secretary of defense, Army major general, lawyer, author, professor, spoke passionately of Castro's tyranny over Cuba, a tyranny which impelled him to flee in 1961. He went to Colombia for a year, then to the U.S., while his two sons, Aristides and Rafael, came directly to the States. Rafael, now on the Wayne State faculty, teaching Spanish, translated his father's speech for the Kiwanians. The other brother alos taught at WSC during a summer session two years ago and now teaches at Kearney State. Dr. Sosa's varied career, in addition to high position in the Army, has included establishment of Cuba's rural school system, publication of numerous books, university teaching, and during World War II serving as secretary of defense.

He said he left Cuba on the pretext of making a short trip to consult a legal client in Colombia- and never returned.