Memory Lane: Nov. 12, 1981


From the Nov. 12, 1981 edition of The Wayne Herald

Speaker tells farmers they have tremendous untapped potential

More than 500 area farmers attended the 10th annual Farmers Appreciation Night in Wayne, Saturday. The evening's activities were sponsored by the Wayne Chamber of Commerce.

Following a free meal in the Wayne State south dining room, John Sullivan of Lincoln, executive director of the Nebraska New Car and Truck Dealers Association, addressed the farmers.

The Wayne State College graduate centered his address around the theme "You can be better than you are."

Sullivan shared with the crowd his personal checklist for success: 1. self image, 2. attitude, 3. values, 4. goals, 5. work.

The speaker pointed out that Columbus had the idea the earth was round but everyone knew it was flat. Imagine what his banker would say when Columbus wanted to borrow money to sail around the world, Sullivan said.

Social hours were held at the Wayne Fire Hall and the Wayne State College Student Union prior to Saturday's meal.